tropic essentials

lauhala favor box & tote
this is one for all the brides-to-be desperate to find the perfect way to present those ubiquitous jordan almonds to their wedding guests. the neverending search filling your lunch break/late night googles and commiserations on the knot ends with a quick click to honolulu's tropic essentials, a one stop online shop stocked with everything crafty brides need to create modern island style favors.
the prices are reasonable and you will find inspiration in spades on how to transform a basic lauhala box into something spectacular. now that you have found favor nirvana, get ready for endless discussions on whether to go with sleek metal window tins or ethereal sinamay pouches. decisions, decisions . . . maybe it's time to elope.
{update | jan 2010: tropic essentials shuttered its online shop a few years ago so click over to creations by you, hawaiian wedding shop, or pacific weddings magazine for island style favor supplies}
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