shop peek: reuse hawaii warehouse

while home this winter, the mister and i finally had a chance to pop into the reuse hawaii warehouse to marvel at all the wonderful discoveries saved from deconstruction projects around the island. (tax day tie-in: material donations are deductible if your nest happens to be in need of a renovation.)
our dear friend selina co-founded reuse with her sweetie quinn a few years ago (their lovely cottage overlooking the honolulu city lights is a gorgeous lesson in decorating with roadside castoffs and warehouse finds), and the combined sweat equity of their crew has created one of the most eco-friendly resources on oahu for designers and diy-ers.
since reuse opened its doors, the coconut wire has shared stories of furniture designers crafting pieces out of reclaimed wood, eco-friendly event planners upcycling discoveries into rustic centerpieces intended to become post-bash planter boxes, and a friend's hubby who cobbled together their hillside chicken coop after a reuse shopping trip. and, more than a few indie shopkeepers have scouted reuse for supplies to transform into a charming perch for their merch.
with an ever changing inventory, chances are a delightful surprise is waiting in one of the many warehouse aisles which woo with salvaged flooring and doors, vintage delights from industrial light fixtures to old timey glass door knobs, boxes of ceramic tiles, bins of hardware, an outdoor lumber yard, and the occasional curious find.
join me for a tour after the jump!

while lounging by the warehouse entrance, my camera snapped a little boat which seemed just right for recreating this dreamy pillow filled boat hearted on my pinterest (mahalo betty for pinning!).
new arrivals can be peeked online (oh, how i coveted the gorgeous farmhouse sink rescued from shangri la last year) but do remember that the first shopper to show up at the warehouse scoops up the goods.
- where: 200 keawe street, kaka'ako
- shop hours: mon to fri, 8a to 6p & sat, 9a to 4p
p.s. reuse is always on the lookout for good peeps so click over to the job board to inquire about joining the team.