sombrilla lovin'

while sizzling under the sun at makaha one day, i began daydreaming about rigging together some bamboo poles and outdoor fabric to create a pretty beach shelter. stumped by the logistics, it was quickly filed away in my "one day . . ." file up in the clouds.
fast forward a year+ later when i spied hollie & harrie's sombrilla in my email. the aussie design instantly charmed me with its trio of gorgeous patterns (moroccan blue makes me sigh with happiness) and 95% uv protection. even more clever: the canopy can be adjusted to provide just the right amount of shade as the sun skips across the sky (or when a surprise shower passes by).
plus, it all breaks down to fit in a matching yoga-style sling tote . . . hello wishlist!
$150 + $30 s/h to the states.
{via dailycandy}
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