photo.phile: unique vision photography

summertime is bon dance season in the islands and one of the photographs that lingers in my etsy favorites was snapped by kahalu'u photographer celina flores of unique vision photography. you can almost hear the rustle of kimono, the steady rhythm of the taiko drums, and the sizzle of andagi dough as it drops into the frying oil.
celina has a wonderful eye for finding photography subjects in unexpected places and revealing architectural details in a new light. lovely evidence that toting your camera with you 24/7 can result in unforgettable images.
{photo.phile notes}
what inspired you to pick up a camera and start clicking?
i have always had a fascination with the transformation of seeing a scene in real life, looking through the viewfinder to create a composition, and then holding a finished photo in my hand. i suppose it was that transformation that captured my imagination as a curious 4 year old with very patient parents.
photography muses that spark your imagination?
for black & white photography, w. eugene smith's photos for life magazine are my favorite - such humanity captured in images, especially his country doctor and minamata series. william eggleston was a great inspiration when i learned of his work during my years in the university of washington photography program. and james turrell's work, especially his sky spaces, although not photographic, have definitely influenced the way i see the world around me and utilize light to create images.
favorite island moment captured on "film"?
there are so many! the light here in hawaii is so different from anywhere else. my favorite images capture this unique beauty. there's a softness, a gentleness to the sky and clouds here, especially at dawn and dusk when they are tinted pink.
any simple tricks to share on how to best capture an architectural detail?
looking up allows you to notice details most people ignore. also, light and shadow - contrast - help to bring out texture and detail.
which camera stays close by for everyday shooting?
i always carry my canon g10. i love it because it's a point and shoot camera and is small and compact, but i can shoot in raw mode, giving me more control over the final image. plus, unlike my slr which is big and heavy and gets left home a lot of the time, my point and shoot is small enough that i want to and can carry it with me everywhere so as not to miss a photo op.
pay it forward with the best photography advice shared with you:
don't feel like you have to have the newest or most expensive equipment to take good photos. start where you are. when shooting, move around! view the subject from different angles. take LOTS of photos. and keep taking them.
local delights that are a must in your beach picnic basket?
mmmm . . . mango! yee's orchard on maui must use magical pixie dust to fertilize their trees because they produce the best mangoes i've ever tasted! and spicy ahi poke is a must-have, too!
mahalo celina! you can order limited edition prints in unique vision's etsy shop and discover all the many things that inspire celina on her blog.
Reader Comments (1)
Especially LOVE the elevator photo! :-) keep clicking!!!