eco tip: byob(ag)

imagine a simple lifestyle change that has an immediate impact on the world around you. when i stopped by fighting eel's chinatown hq last year, the designers sent me on my way with a cute canvas tote which has become my little companion to the market, post office, library, drugstore, and so on.
i feel happy knowing this one small act is reducing our family's consumption of plastic & paper bags with the added bonus of a bag stuffed with bags no longer sucking up valuable real estate in our small space.
it seems like everyday a new bag is released for your consideration and just yesterday natalie from shasa emporium buzzed me about their new reusable shop bag available for purchase at their kahala boutique ($8 plus a one time 10% discount on shop purchases).
there are options a-plenty if you are up to the challenge from the modern patterns by envirosax (featured last earth day along with those super cool sigg bottles which are both now available at red pineapple & lily lotus) to the minimalist baggu and the sleek and sturdy rume. or just click over to reusablebags for one stop shopping.
a small step you can take to keep our planet happy and healthy!
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