my baby our baby

because sometimes someone else captures your little one's rapturous moment with a noodle.
continuing on with more good things for your keiki, check out my baby our baby, a hawaii/sf-based internet start up that recently rolled out a community photo sharing service starring the little one in your life. the service was created by ray hernandez & beau lebens who combined their considerable tech experience after fielding repeated requests from friends and family to create slick websites for their new arrivals.
the result of all their hard work: my baby our baby - one part flickr, one part blog, and a cool shortcut to create a virtual scrapbook for parents (plus invited friends and 'ohana) to share photos snapped via the various forms of digital paraphernalia which have become so essential to modern life. everyone in your group can upload photos snapped on their camera or cell phone, jot down the back story of the moment, and parents can keep their peeps posted on all the latest firsts from baby hq.
and, if privacy is a concern, you'll be happy to learn that your baby book can be set up to be viewed by invitation-only. there's even a handy rss feed to alert everyone in your circle when there's a keiki update. you'll have a bit more time to spend with the wee center(s) of your attention (no more mass emails to your entire address book), and friends are given a chance to opt-in to digital peeks of life with baby (because, truth be told, your accountant may not be quite so enamored of learning every single cute-to-you wonder done by your little one).
the service is free and, eventually, ray & beau plan to extend mbob's offerings to include customized photo albums and other personalized goodies.
take a tour and tell your friends!
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