spring blossoms at manuheali'i

ka'ili li'i + monstera kaimana
there are so many new styles for spring at manuheali'i that a mini virtual fashion show seems to be in order. the lovely ka'ili li'i dress defines versatility with its ability to convert to three different bodice styles, a length which allows it to double as a tunic, and hidden handy dandy pockets.
and it's hard to resist the fresh spring colors on the updated monstera kaimana dress which is too pretty for words.
the first thing that came to mind upon spotting the kat top was, of course, fellow island blogger kat of our adventures in japan. unless design is your trade, it's not often you have a chance to fill your closet with your very own eponymous top which can also be had in a fabulous mix of manuheali'i patterns.
kukui li'i + kukui nui kat
meleana bag
my bet is owners of manuheali'i's new meleana bag (not sure if there is a connection to handbag designer meleana blaich) will get stopped on the street by passersby who cannot help but notice its eye catching graphics. sturdy canvas fabric is emblazoned with traditional hawaiian designs like 'ulu and 'awapuhi while raffia details echo the natural world.
shop manuheali'i online or stop by their boutiques in kailua and punahou to take a peek at the full collection.

Reader Comments (2)
leigh-this bag is also by meleana blaich. it was custom designed for manuheali'i. just thought you should know!
mahalo for the info, lauren! lucky us, to have meleana sharing her lovely designs with the manuheali'i ohana.