it's a good day for a white wedding

countless brides and the men who love them have planned their big day with the help of manoa's wedding café and now you can take a peek behind the scenes with white which takes a unique spin on the traditional and typically dull vendor directory.
white's m.o. is simple - playful profiles and back stories of the shutterbugs, paper purveyors, favor makers, pastry pushers and generalissmos who make it all happen mixed with a generous dash of insider tips to help you find THE dream maker who gets your vision (which, from my own unwedding experience, increases your odds of the day's details being executed the way you imagined).
complimentary copies are yours for the taking at the shop or you can stop by borders, b+n or bestsellers in the islands (bring $9 to avoid an unpleasant encounter with security). the directory can also be accessed online but you will have to download .pdf files page by page for the convenience of going paperless.
{update | jan 2010: the wedding café has relocated to ward warehouse}
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