gourmet cooking hawaii

chef mavro at work
island & visiting foodies, whether they have hawaii's finest restaurants on speed dial or, due to budgetary constraints, must be content to be an armchair gastronomist, have a chance to take a peek behind the kitchen door via gourmet cooking hawaii which offers cooking classes with notable island chefs. classes are scheduled a few times a year and the price of admission ($125 to $185 depending on the restaurant) gives you access into the islands' hottest kitchens where you have a chance to learn a trick or two from the chef and his staff.
participating chefs willing to reveal a few of their culinary secrets to the public include george mavrothalassitis of chef mavro and rodney uyehara of the recently shuttered bistro at century center. classes are limited in size (15 for chef mavro & 25 for chef uyehara) to allow for more personalized instruction and each three hour class ends with a well deserved food & wine tasting. and you won't leave empty handed since students also score a goody bag filled with gourmet treats made in the islands plus recipes to continue their culinary journey at home.
gch also organizes private cooking demonstrations with celebrity chefs like sam choy & roy yamaguchi which would certainly add the wow factor to a corporate event or private affair.
Reader Comments (2)
Hey, glad you read my blog! I think yours is a real, down-to-earth eye-opener to the rest of the Internet world about Hawaii...especially since a LOT of Mainlanders think we wear leaf skirts and live in thatched huts. Great job ;]
So glad you contacted me or I would not have learned about the 'Gourmet Cooking Hawaii' series. Mahalo! Hope to meet you next time you visit the Big Island!