go hawaii

well, i'm finally off on a long awaited trip home and have a list a mile long of things to check out during my short but sweet visit. h|h will still be updated so don't forget to check in to see what's new with a few of my favorite islanders.
one thing that i will be stocking up on while i'm home is hawaiian blend suncare. i first spotted it at longs a few years ago and it is the. best. sunscreen. ever. it smells just like hawaii and the ingredients are top notch (you'll have to take my word for it since i left my last tube at a hotel by accident, but believe me when i say that i am the kind of girl who knows her ingredients and this is good stuff).
you can find hawaiian blend at longs (of course) and the abc stores. why, it's even available for our friends down in guam. if you can't get to the nearest pacific island then hele over to their e-store.
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