the scent of green papaya

if the holidays are all about gifting those you love with something they would never buy for themselves, i present to you fresh papayas shipped direct from hawaii's volcano isle fruit company. this is such a wonderful last minute gift idea since orders will arrive on the mainland in 2-3 days (of course, it's best to double check the current holiday turnaround to guarantee xmas delivery).
mainland dwellers know that papayas grown in other parts of the world are not nearly as ono as ones from the islands and when a hawaiian papaya can be found at the market prepare yourself for sticker shock. thanks to the wonders of fedex, two jacksons (no, not tito or rebe . . . think along the lines of the u.s. mint) will get a 10 lb box of either sun red or rainbow varieties or a papaya mix from the big island straight to the door of your favorite foodie.
on another note, it may be the busiest day of the year but i have to dash to the post office to drop off a few packages to hawaii (thank goodness for online postage) but check back later today for more holiday inspirations for all the procrastinators (you know who you are!).
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