you're in luck if you want to skip the family festivities and go island hopping this weekend. hawaiian & go have knocked a few bucks off their latest airfare war bringing xmas travel around hawaii down to only $25 o/w.
if you're not in a rush, you can also score $29 o/w tix for travel through jan 31st on all three airlines. the deadline for sale no. 2 falls on xmas day.
also, you may want to consider the gift of flight for the jet setters on your list. hawaiian has gift certificates available from $50-$5000 that can be emailed to the recipient while aloha has gift tickets on sale until the end of the year.
- book it: xmas sale - asap; $29 sale - by dec 25th
- fly: xmas sale - dec 24th & 25th ; $29 sale - now to jan. 31st
- cities: honolulu to hilo *or* kahalui *or* kona *or* lihue
fly, fly, fly: aloha airlines | go! | hawaiian airlines